Clestra - Certifications

21 Available credits Clestra contribution Score in % Hea 01 Visual comfort 6 6 Hea 02 Indoor air quality 5 5 Hea 03 Safe containment in laboratories 2 2 Hea 05 Acoustic performance 4 4 Sub-total 17 17 13,87% Mat 01 Life cycle impacts 6 6 Mat 03 Responsible sourcing of construction products 4 4 Mat 06 Material efficiency 1 1 Sub-total 11 11 13,00% Wst 01 Construction waste management 3 3 Wst 06 Functionnal adaptability 1 1 Sub-total 11 11 6,00% Inn 01 Innovation 10 4 Sub-total 10 4 4,00% Total in % 36,87% Clestra products may contribute up to 37% of the final rating to obtain the certification. BREEAM ®